Apk Download Link: https://flixtv.net/app/stbemupro1.0.apk

Please note that configuring the STB Emulator app requires some expertise. If you’re unfamiliar with configuring IPTV boxes, it may seem confusing. Additionally, a simple mistake during configuration can render the app unusable. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of using STB emulator on your device to watch IPTV.

Set-top boxes are a great way to enjoy IPTV services. If you don’t want to purchase a Mag Set-top box like the model 254, you can use an Android device to simulate the hardware and interface of a Mag box. Combined with an STB Remote App on your Android smartphone, you can experience the same modernized set-top box IPTV experience. Please note that you will need a powerful device to use this emulator.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Download the STB Emulator App: Download the STB emulator App from the Play Store or our app from the give link https://flixtv.net/app/stbemupro1.0.apk

Step 2: Access the Settings: On the top right corner of the app, tap on “Settings.”

Step 3: Select “Profile”: Choose the “Profile” option from the menu.

Step 4: Create a New Profile: Tap on “New profile” to create a new profile.

Step 5: Select “STB Configuration”: Choose “STB Configuration” from the available options.

Step 6: Enter your Mac address: Please email or whastapp us the Mac address that starts with “00:1A:79” from the app. This unique number is required to link your device to your subscription.

To find your Mac address:

Step 7: Link your Mac address to your Subscription: Login to your panel and click on the “Change IPTV Mac address” button. In the text field, enter “00:1A:79:” followed by the last six characters of your Mac address (e.g., “00:1A:79:03:E7:36”).

Step 8: Set up the Portal URL: Head back and select “Portal settings.” Click on “Portal URL” and enter the portal address provided by your IPTV distributor.

Step 9: Save and Restore Settings: Return to the previous screen and select “Save and restore settings.”

Step 10: Save Settings and Profiles: Finally, select “SAVE SETTINGS AND PROFILES” to save your configurations.

To complete the setup, restart your device, and the portal will start loading.

Congratulations! You have successfully configured your Android device to imitate an IPTV set-top box. Now you can enjoy a set-top box experience without purchasing a Mag box. Please note that the STB emulator can be a bit challenging to use. If you encounter any errors, try exiting and restarting the app or uninstalling and reinstalling it.

For any further assistance or troubleshooting, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer support team. We are here to help!

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